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Do Not Feed

Aquatic & Semi-Aquatic Plants

 Do not Feed

Bacopa (Water Hyssop, Waterhyssop)
Bacopa spp.

 Do not Feed

Blanket Weed (String Algae, Mermaid Hair, Pond Scum)
Cladophora spp. Spirogyra spp., Mougeotia

 Do not Feed

Bulrush (Bullrush, Cattail, Reed Mace)
Typha spp.

 Feed in Moderation

Burr Marigold (Three-lobe Beggarticks, Water Agrimony)
Bidens tripartita

 Safe to Feed

Cabomba (Fanwort)
Cabomba caroliniana

 Safe to Feed

Cape Pondweed (Cape Pond Weed, Water Hawthorn, Waterblommetjies)
Aponogeton distachyos, syn. Aponogeton distachyum

 Safe to Feed

Chameleon Plant
Houttuynia cordata

 Feed in Moderation

Duckweed (Duck Weed)
Spirodela; Landoltia; Lemna; Wolffiella; Wolffia

 Safe to Feed

Elodea (Waterweed, Anacharis)
Elodea spp., syn. Anacharis

 Do not Feed

Fairy Moss (Mosquito Fern)
Azolla spp.

 Do not Feed

Fiber Optic Grass (Rusty Sedge)
Scirpus filiformis; Isolepsis gracilis

 Do not Feed

Himalayan Balsam (Policeman's Helmet, Poor Man's Orchid)
Impatiens glandulifera

 Safe to Feed

Ceratophyllum spp.

 Do not Feed

Equisetum spp.

 Do not Feed

Iris (Yellow Flag, Flag Iris, Water Iris, Water Flag)
Iris pseudacorus; I. laevigatae; I. versicolour; I. virginica

 Do not Feed

Juncus (Rush)
Juncus spp.

 Do not Feed

Marsh Marigold (Kingcup)
Caltha palustris

 Safe to Feed

Mazus reptans

 Safe to Feed

Parrot Feather (Water Milfoil)
Myriophyllum aquaticum

 Safe to Feed

Purple Loosestrife
Lythrum salicaria

 Do not Feed

Water Chestnut (Water Caltrop, European Water Chestnut, Jesuit Nut)
Trapa natans; Trapa bispinosa

 Safe to Feed

Water Hyacinth
Eichhornia spp; esp. Eichhornia crassipes

 Feed Sparingly

Water Lettuce (Water Cabbage, Nile Cabbage, Pistia)
Pistia stratiotes

 Do not Feed

Water Lily (Aquatic Lily, Pond Lily, Lotus, Sacred Water Lotus)
Nymphaea spp., Nelumbo spp., Barclaya spp., Nuphar spp., Ondinea spp., Victoria spp.

 Do not Feed

Water Plantain (Common Water Plantain, Mad Dog Weed, Devil's Spoons)
Alisma spp., esp. Alisma plantago-aquatica, Alisma subcordatum, Alisma triviale, and Alisma lanceolatum

 Feed in Moderation

Nasturtium officinale; syn. Nasturtium microphyllum, Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum