Tortoise Observation Records Booklet
It is important to weigh and measure your tortoise/s regularly to monitor growth and to make notes of any health issues, visits to the vet, changes of equipment (like UVB lamps) etc.
The Tortoise Table Observation booklet is designed for you to keep all your notes in one place, as well as recording observations you make regarding your tortoise/s health and behaviour.
The booklet can a valuable resource to take with you on visits to the vet.
The booklet costs £2.99, inc. P&P within the UK.
Click on the link below to download the free PDF booklet for your personal use.
To order the booklet:
Either: use our donate button to pay and order through PayPal.
After completing the PayPal form please email us at to specify which booklets you would like and include your address.
If you also require business cards or flyers to distribute locally then also tell us how many you would like.
N.B. Please remember to include your full address details after you place your order, and also with any cheque that is sent to purchase booklets.
Or: alternatively pay by cheque or postal order made payable to: The Tortoise Table
and send this along with your address to: