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The Donate Button 

Thank you for taking the time to view this page.

We have worked very hard since the launch of The Tortoise Table to make this a useful free reference website for tortoise keepers, and we firmly believe that the work we are doing will improve the quality of lives of tortoises.  Until recently,  the growing success of our site has brought with it the need to raise more funds to meet escalating maintenance costs, purchase additional bandwidth to respond to increased data and usage, and print and distribute educational material.

However, at the present time, due to the generosity of fellow tortoise keepers, we find that we have adequate funds to cover our costs at least until the end of 2024.  Therefore, for the time being please continue to use the Donate button to purchase our booklets, but we do not need new donations of money.  So we urge you to give to other deserving bodies (tortoise or other animal rescue organisations, wildlife protection and conservation, etc.). 

If you are interested in helping the Tortoise Table in any other way -- which might include writing articles, taking good photographs, or helping with plant identification -- then we want to hear from you.   

Please note that the Donate button should only be used to purchase booklets, and PayPal will process your order accordingly.

Other ways to purchase booklets:

Please make cheques/postal orders payable to: The Tortoise Table

and you can obtain our address details by emailing us at

Bank:  HSBC

Account Name:  The Tortoise Table

Sort Code: 40-19-26

Account Number: 31300040

Please email us at and let us know if you have made a payment directly into our bank account so we can acknowledge you and let you know when your order will be shipped out.