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Tarajane77 - Help with an I.d

Posted: 21 Jan 2023, 21:08
by lin
Posted on behalf of Tarajane77 (Jody)

Hello beautiful tortoise people.

Hopefully all admin's are full of joy in this new year!!

After a bout of covid post Christmas I've just done my first proper weed walk of 2023, and I'm a bit kerfuzzled.

If it's the lovely Nina I found this plant growing along the high peak trail in Wirksworth. Despite hushed whispers of "I think she's metal detecting" (lord only knows where my apparatus was hiding) or "she's foraging to make a tea" (hardly with the size of this derriere)...I'm of the opinion it's narrowleaf bittercress??

Any help and if it's safe would be greatly appreciated, so I can head back to snaffle some sprigs.

Thank you Jody from Wirksworth

Re: Help with an I.d

Posted: 21 Jan 2023, 21:10
by lin
Hi Jody.
Im afraid its not the wonderful Nina you have found but the lovely Lin. :D

Both Nina and I have been looking at your photos and its ever so interesting. Is it somewhere you can get back to it if it was found on one of your weed walks.
The reason being is we have a few questions.

1. Does it have sap running through the middle of the vein like Dandelion.
2. What does it smell like, nice and crisp sort of smell or not so nice.
3. Is it all the same plant.

Looking at it closely we have found a few different leaves as shown in these red rings. On one photo with the one ring marked we were wondering if it actually belonged to the plant with the dark green circular rosette. It looks like a Burnet (salad Burnet) shaped leaf or one of the Speedwells but I also have a hunch that another photo in a week or two would tell us if it were Ragwort.
In the photo of the close up of the main plant where there are 3 or 4 rings marked...well those look to be growing so out of character, and again we were wondering if they were the same plant or just another one that is photobombing.

Oh, the weather, as Nina has mentioned, is freezing here in Hastings tonight, so stay warm.
