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Tortoise Worm Count Kit

Posted: 27 Sep 2023, 17:47
by NarRakasa
Well I contacted my vet about a worm test and they quoted me £165! Now I love my little Pattern, but that seems a little expensive to me!

After having a quick look online I've found this company: . Does anyone have any experience with using it? Or maybe suggest another?

Re: Tortoise Worm Count Kit

Posted: 27 Sep 2023, 20:13
by Nina
I'm afraid I don't know that company. I assume it is OK, but the one we have always recommended is: and here is the page with their reptile test packages And I think the silver level should be adequate. If I remember correctly they send you a container, etc. and you sent them a sample and then you get a full report.

Do be aware that if a tortoise has a low level of worm eggs, most vets now recommend that they don't need to be treated, and in fact a light worm load is considered beneficial (it's something to do with aiding digestion), but a heavy load defiinitely does need treatment, and this is easily done with something like Panacur. Also, if you are going to a vet for treatment, and it is not a reptile vet, don't let him recommend Ivermectin for worming (it's completely safe for cats and dogs but lethal for tortoises, and not all ordinary vets are aware of that).


Re: Tortoise Worm Count Kit

Posted: 27 Sep 2023, 21:20
by NarRakasa
Hi Nina,

I've gone ahead and ordered from that site.

Thankies so much!

Re: Tortoise Worm Count Kit

Posted: 28 Sep 2023, 09:36
by Nina
Good luck and let us know the results.
