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Direct sunlight?

Posted: 02 Feb 2022, 15:53
by TortyPerson
Hi everyone,

We are planning a bigger and more secure outdoor enclosure for Gonzales. Our garden is in the shadow of a mountain for most of the year so sunny spots near the house are hard to find. I don't really want to put the enclosure far away from the house as it will leave him vulnerable to crows, foxes, mink, stoats or even rats. Or our hens! Is it necessary for tortoises to be able to bask in direct sunlight, or will daylight suffice? He's a 7 year old mediterranean spur thigh. Thanks,


Re: Direct sunlight?

Posted: 02 Feb 2022, 19:50
by Nina
Hi TP,

This is a difficult one! Although daylight is good, he really should have some access to direct sunshine for at least part of the day, as he will get the most UVB from that, and bright light in general makes them more active. There is some UVB in shadier areas, but bright sunlight is best for that.

My tortoises have an enclosure that doesn't get sunlight until about 10.30 a.m. or so, and then it gets sun for most of the rest of the day. So I often have a little makeshift enclosure -- just made of logroll that I make into a circle and sit in a sunny spot for an hour or so in the morning, and then I move them to their proper enclosure and roll the logroll up and take it away.

You are right to worry about things like rats and mink, etc. Is there anywhere closer to the house that gets at least an hour or two of sunshine? Or could you make him an enclosure in the sunny area and put a wire mesh lid on it, so that predators couldn't get in (I think he would be more at risk in the nighttime than in the day). I do bring mine in at night, because we have foxes and rats.

Here's another thread on the forum where someone has put a protective lid on an outdoor enclosure -- is that something that would be feasible for you? ... =11&t=2372


Re: Direct sunlight?

Posted: 13 Jul 2023, 04:03
by timothyferriss
Even though tortoises benefit from exposure to direct sunshine, it is not necessary for them to do so constantly. Since they are ectothermic, tortoises rely on outside heat sources to maintain a consistent body temperature.

Re: Direct sunlight?

Posted: 25 Sep 2023, 05:53
by lauryfriese
For a Mediterranean spur thigh tortoise, access to direct sunlight is crucial for their overall health and well-being. While daylight provides some UVB radiation, which is necessary for the synthesis of vitamin D3 and calcium metabolism, direct sunlight is much more beneficial.
Direct sunlight allows the tortoise to receive the full spectrum of UVB radiation, which helps them produce vitamin D3 naturally. Vitamin D3 is essential for the proper absorption and utilization of calcium, which is crucial for their bone health and shell development.
Inadequate exposure to UVB radiation can lead to health issues such as metabolic bone disease, which can result in weakened bones, shell deformities, and other related problems. Therefore, it is highly recommended to provide your tortoise with access to direct sunlight whenever possible.
Considering your concerns about predators and the lack of sunny spots near your house, you can explore alternative solutions to create a secure outdoor enclosure for your tortoise. This could involve building a larger and more secure enclosure with proper fencing and a secure roof to protect your tortoise from potential threats.

Re: Direct sunlight?

Posted: 29 May 2024, 05:04
by Fidelia6886
You can consider adding additional layers of protection, such as: Sturdy, predator-proof fencing around the enclosure. Covering the top of the enclosure with a secure mesh or netting to deter aerial predators. Incorporating hiding spots and areas for Gonzales to retreat within the enclosure.